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  3. Mervyn & Katalin Paterson Fellowship

Mervyn & Katalin Paterson Fellowship

  • Australian National University
  • 奖学金价值:AUD$7,500
  • 校区:Canberra
  • 境内/境外:ALL
  • 申请截止日:


1.The Research School of Earth Sciences offers a fellowship to be known as the Mervyn and Katalin Paterson Fellowship (‘the fellowship”). The Fellowship aims to assist students to travel overseas to attend a major international conference or summer school and visit an overseas institution in order to gain valuable research or laboratory experience


住宿奖学金 -
澳洲学历资格框架 Research Degrees
自动审核 NO
申请进度 1.Applicants are required to submit a well-defined proposal indicating how the student will benefit from the experience. If the proposal is for time at another institution, the applicant will need to provide evidence of the host institution’s acceptance. Details of any support from the host institution or other sources must also be provided. 2.Applications should be supported by the student’s supervisor.


课程专业 Science
国籍 ALL
学术成绩背景要求 1. Researc
其他要求 1.Have been enrolled in their research program for a minimum of six months
面试需求 NO