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  3. ACTION Trust Honours Scholarship

ACTION Trust Honours Scholarship

  • Australian National University
  • 奖学金价值:AUD$5,000
  • 校区:Canberra
  • 境内/境外:ALL
  • 申请截止日:31/03/2020


This scholarship is offered by the Fenner School of Environment and Society and the Research School of Earth Sciences. The purpose of the scholarship is to enable young researchers and practitioners to undertake quality research in areas relating to the interests of the ACTION Trust and/or to environment and sustainability.


住宿奖学金 -
澳洲学历资格框架 Honours Degree
自动审核 NO
申请进度 Applications must include: * Statement of no more than one page in length describing the intended research, its relevance to environment and sustainability and the motivation for undertaking research on this topic; * The applicant's academic record; * Name and contact details of the applicant's identified supervisor/s; * Contact details for two academic referees familiar with the applicant's work. * Applications should be addressed to the Fenner School


课程专业 Environment,Earth and Environmental Science,Marine
国籍 ALL
其他要求 The scholarship shall be awarded principally on academic merit. The Selection Committee may also take into consideration the field of study which the candidate is developing for their thesis the availability of suitable supervision, the applicant's previous academic record, and reports from two academic referees familiar with the applicant's work (if required).
面试需求 NO